Welcome to the Kat Krew! Yes I know it has been a while since my last update, but I'm hoping that the several surprises that I've done will make up for a little of that.


Last Update: 4-11-01

Well, I've decided to upload what I have done so far of the Kat Krew update. This is the new look and I hope you like it. The rest of the site will be done and uploaded later this week. In other news

I've added the 'surprises'

If you were wondering what they are, take a look at the Navbar. There are two new entries. Comics and TSKRM. The Comics are the SWAT Kats revived in a comic strip drawn by me. TSKRM stands for The SWAT Kat Reference Manual. It will be added to all summer long, but it's not up yet.

The Counter topped 1000 hits!

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The Leopards faceThe Leopards bodyMore Leopard body
The Leopards toesfanfictonThe Leopards tail
Just a piece of the navJust a piece of the navDon't pull my tail please.
Just a piece of the navfanartDon't pull my tail please.
Just a piece of the navJust a piece of the navJust a piece of the nav
Just a piece of the navComicsJust a piece of the nav
Just a piece of the navJust a piece of the navJust a piece of the nav
Just a piece of the navThe SWAT Kat Reference ManualThere are a lot of pieces of this Nav aren't there?
Just a piece of the navJust a piece of the navJust a piece of the nav
Just a piece of the navJoin the Kat KrewJust a piece of the nav
Just a piece of the navJust a piece of the navJust a piece of the nav
Just a piece of the navRPGJust a piece of the nav
Just a piece of the navJust a piece of the navJust a piece of the nav
Just a piece of the navDownloadablesJust a piece of the nav
Just a piece of the navJust a piece of the navJust a piece of the nav
Just a piece of the navHistoryJust a piece of the nav
Just a piece of the navJust a piece of the navJust a piece of the nav
Just a piece of the navlynxJust a piece of the nav
Just a piece of the navJust a piece of the navJust a piece of the nav
Just a piece of the navThunderpawzJust a piece of the nav
Just a piece of the navJust a piece of the navFinally, the last piece of the Nav!